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Erik Barros @2025-02-06 00:50:58 UTC
As always, I'm trying to catch @Duplode's NoRH replay using RH, he he he!
Duplode @2025-02-05 13:22:36 UTC
Nice! By the way, I see @Erik Barros is on the track as well
Cas @2025-02-04 18:06:09 UTC
It works! It does have a limitation, but I don't think there'll be a problem. Also, that limitation can be circumvented.
Cas @2025-02-04 18:03:02 UTC
I'm testing a fix I've applied so that mentions of two-word racer names such as @Victor Narl and @Alan Rotoi are automatically detected. Let's see...
Cas @2025-02-04 17:55:18 UTC
For live races, we normally gather in the chat and forum at an agreed time and we all start driving at the same time. You're allowed RH, but because it's live and time is very limited, you can only practically use it to undo a crash. It's a lot of fun and a very different way of racing.
Cas @2025-02-04 17:53:44 UTC
There's one more way of controlling cheating, which is live exchange of data. That's why I mentioned live races. It's very hard to do any useful cheating there. Also, a mod that broadcasts your position while you race and a server that records it and a track provided just before the recording would work, but we don't yet have that.
Victor Narl @2025-02-04 07:16:16 UTC
@Cas, I could participate if technically possible, but I have never broadcasted before and would need detailed instructions.
Victor Narl @2025-02-04 07:01:40 UTC
@Duplode, about the Luke program for substituting the result in .HIG, it's also bad, but this cheat can be determined by the time the replay was recorded. If anything, NoRH can almost always be distinguished from RH visually, which is what Overdrijf was talking about.
Victor Narl @2025-02-04 07:01:04 UTC
@Duplode, about .HIG, if you mean the Mingva trick, then it's a nasty cheat! I was shocked and even wanted to quit racing when I first found out that it was possible to cheat .HIG like that. I think that a NoRH racer caught cheating like that even once should be excluded from competitions forever!
Duplode @2025-02-04 01:03:47 UTC
Lemme begin to rectify that
Alan Rotoi @2025-02-04 00:07:07 UTC
Too much talk and few replays here
Duplode @2025-02-03 23:01:27 UTC
[Part 2/2] @Victor Narl, in particular, you sure have a point about video becoming a technical obstacle. (I guess one reason why no one has tried to make a video-based NoRH tournament since 2009 is that it was quite a hassle to do.)
Duplode @2025-02-03 23:01:05 UTC
[Part 1/2] We don't bother with HIGs as proof of NoRH because, in our view, they are too easy to circumvent to be worth the trouble: If you continue from the end of a saved replay, the game will allow you to write a high score. The options left, then, are basing it on trust (as we do here at R4K with NoRH laps), requiring video (as SDR and FTT used to do), or modding the game to make RH impossible (as NTT does). Each of those options has its own pros and cons.
Cas @2025-02-03 22:05:18 UTC
Hey, @Victor Narl, what do you think about live races? Would you like to join when we next have one? We usually organise about three or four such events per year.
Victor Narl @2025-02-03 20:58:57 UTC
@Argammon, yes, I also see in #385 (2023), the racer obviously sent the result after the flag and struuunz counted it as if nothing had happened! Brutal... https://dosreloaded.de/forum/thread/5995-4d-sports-driving-stunts-jahrescontest-2023/?pageNo=20
Victor Narl @2025-02-03 20:43:40 UTC
@Alan Rotoi, I don't think broadcasting is necessary. Replay plus .HIG is enough. For example, I don't have the technical ability to broadcast. (I play from Win XP directly, without DOSBox. I'm used to it.)
Victor Narl @2025-02-03 20:37:09 UTC
@Argammon, besides what you pointed out on those turns, the grass there is also internal! mooh himself said that internal grass is always taboo because it is a shortcut - a contradiction!
Alan Rotoi @2025-02-03 20:31:36 UTC
A solution to avoid an erosion of trust in the manager and the community as a whole would be publishing the replays, or if you want a more sophisticated way, but no need to download any files, people can stream their laps. It can be done easily with a 10 year old PC, so no need for modern equipment. The validation would be watching a few videos. Fast and easy.
Victor Narl @2025-02-03 20:30:50 UTC
@Argammon, and I personally took it as a guideline to always have less grass than mooh in this replay (279), namely only a maximum of light touches of the wheel rim on the grass, nothing more. I have the rest of mooh's replays from Zak's archive but I haven't had time to watch them all.
Victor Narl @2025-02-03 20:30:16 UTC
@Argammon, yes, it's really strange that the whole wheel is on the grass... This doesn't look like mooh's status. He seemed to me to be the standard of these competitions. When I started on the forum, mooh published a replay in post 279: https://dosreloaded.de/forum/thread/7264-4d-sports-driving-stunts-jahrescontest-2024/?pageNo=14
Village (by Victor Narl)
Leading: Alan Rotoi
Deadline: 2025-02-25 23:59 UTC
12 days left
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