| KyLiE @2022-08-27 11:12:09 UTC | Congratulations to @Alan Rotoi for winning the race and @Cas for coming third!  |
 | Alan Rotoi @2022-08-26 13:39:38 UTC | It felt like an ISA/IRC race 😀 Indy + OWOOT |
 | KyLiE @2022-08-25 14:35:27 UTC | @Duplode, challenge accepted! |
 | Duplode  @2022-08-25 00:06:36 UTC | Putting a NoRH lap on the scoreboard. (Hint: There's room for other ones! ) |
 | Cas @2022-08-10 01:19:33 UTC | Just verified your replay, @Igor! |
 | Alan Rotoi @2022-08-06 10:53:05 UTC | Hi Igor, thank you! Glad you're enjoying. It was inspired by an old competition track with similar rules. |
 | Igor @2022-08-05 12:22:55 UTC | Hi all. I like this track. It's not too long or short and has a nice ratio of stunts and corners to make it an exciting and fun race. |
 | Cas @2022-08-03 21:24:00 UTC | All current replays verified! |
 | Cas @2022-08-03 01:23:52 UTC | It's really fun racing on this track! Mind the banked corner just after the hillside though! Remember: If you overfly grass, that's not strict OWOOT! I almost fell into that trap myself a moment ago  |